Monday, June 28, 2010

Double Digits

Hi people! So wasn't that awesome? I mean that was. . .  Wait, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. This is Chloe, if you hadn't already guessed. As you probably know, my birthday was about 16 days ago. Wow! (Man, it's closer to the actual day than I thought!) Anyway, I'm here to give you kind of, like, the whole agenda. Here we go:

Okay, so the first actually good or exciting thing that happened was we had pancakes. With M&Ms, of course! The next thing was Ali came over! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!! She gave me my present (which wasn't wrapped but that was fine because the wrapping doesn't matter). You'll never believe what it was--an Easy Bake Oven! :D So anyway, Ali and her friend Robin came over, and we chatted for a while, and then we went on a drive to Dallas. I got a little carsick (but I didn't throw up which was good because that would've been horrible), but we got there soon enough. Where did we go? To Eatzi's! Yay! So we ate there and went to look at fancy houses (which were very fancy, mind you.) Then we went shoe shopping. UGH! But by the end, I didn't want to leave! But we did, and we went to Razoo's for dinner.  We ate dinner, and we were going to leave, but the people who worked here came over and made me do a couple of humiliating things while they sang "Happy Birthday" to me. (See pictures.) As a reward they gave me a free ice-cream sundae. Yum! After that, we went home and ate cake and sung "Happy Birthday" again. Then I opened my presents. I got a grown-up journal from Daddy, a Littlest Pet Shop car, a Littlest Pet Shop house (with included Littlest Pet Shop animals), American Girl doll clothes, a stencil book, jelly beans, and more. It was great! After that we went night swimming. We turned the pool light on and swam a lot. Then it was time for bed. Yawn! I was SO tired! I went to sleep right away.

Didn't I tell you that was awesome? Anyway, I have to leave so I can't write (or type) anymore, but I will leave you with some pictures. Here, NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! Just kidding. Bye! See ya later!


  1. Congratulations on double digits! I've been in the double digits for nearly fifty-three years now! Wow! I certainly hope I never make it to triple digits! I love you and loved your birthday celebration!

  2. I DID put a bow on the present! Give me a little credit. Also, what about the gum?!? Thanks for inviting me Chlo-bo. I loved being there!
